Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok so beta is over and we are in Round 1. Round 1 just started on 15th September 2008.

Some things to note though,

a) Tongkat ali 3 in 1 and Tongkat ali 3 in 1 Kaw has been removed so players cannot use em to pump stats anymore.

b) Stealing panties crime gives you less exp than before.

c) The admins have listened to player's request for better donation packs for those buying through Maybank2u.

d) I am no more FTB leader, but i now am an Assistant in the game so if you guys have any questions, you can always drop me a mail ingame.

e) Your ref needs to be level 8 before you can earn 300 pts. What hasn't changed is, i will still send back 150 pts to you if you register using my ref and you reach level 8.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


LoL .. very late update because game ended 14th September and new round started 15th September but i feel i should honour us FTB members who pwned the game.

Anyway, Rumble Day is basically marks the end of a round. This is the time when the game goes FREE FOR ALL. Last man standing wins REAL $$$. No more hospitals, no more jails for you to hide in, no more same gang protection, and UNLIMITED ATTACKS so if you hate anyone in your gang now is the best time to whack him dead.
The last 118 men standing were all FTB members. Congrats !!

Below you can see the last 6 men standing. We decided the winner should be the most hardworking guy in our gang. Congrats to NoObiePigGy !!!

W00t !! Round ended and now we are in the new round !! Good luck everyone !!!
* Btw in the new round, some of the stuff you read in my blog has been changed or removed. I will update my blog later for the new round.

Friday, September 5, 2008

BOUNTY EVENT 5/9/2008 !! 10pm to 12am

Yea ! Finally .... there you go. Today's targets. As usual the same rules apply.

1) You can only attack 1 target. Attack more than one and i won't give you any prize money :)
2) If by 11:45pm, there are targets still available, then ignore rule #1. Attack away :)
3) No booking targets. You are not allowed to claim a 2nd target and wait for 11:45pm to come before attacking the target. If you do that, i forfeit your prize money.

Good Luck !


Here we go, the winners from last night's FTB Bounty Event !

Congrats to all winners ! Hope you all enjoyed the event and the $$$ :p

Thursday, September 4, 2008

BOUNTY EVENT !! 10pm to 12am 4/9/2008 and 5/9/2008

Alright ! Targets are up ! Everyone get ready :p I will be adding the targets one by one.

Here are some rules to follow :
1) You can only attack 1 target. Attack more than one and i won't give you any prize money :)
2) If by 11:45pm, there are targets still available, then ignore rule #1. Attack away :)
3) No booking targets. You are not allowed to claim a 2nd target and wait for 11:45pm to come before attacking the target. If you do that, i forfeit your prize money.
4) The system's notification in my "happenings" section will decide who killed who. I will refer to
the notification i see over there to send out the cash prizes.

Ok that's it i guess. My first time organising this event so if things aren't so smooth, be patient.

Good luck, and enjoy !



Ho Ho ..we have our first group of winners here. Yea yea .the image sux. Doesn't matter la as long as you guys can see and the winners get their money :p

Alright. Seems that things went smoothly. We will have round 2 tonight, same time 10pm to 12am. Hope to see you all there again.