Thursday, October 9, 2008


Yea .. I decided to leave this game finally. Wonderful gaming experience it provided, too addictive imo. If i don't stop i'm gonna get sacked by my boss :p

Anyway i will still be in Perfect World MY-EN, ORACLE server. This game i only play at night so safer :p won't get sacked.

Any FTB members play Perfect World also ? Haha :) lets bring our dominance over there :p

Drop me a msg or anything if you all wanna play together again :)

hehe .. until then ... wait for my next blog about Perfect World la.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok so beta is over and we are in Round 1. Round 1 just started on 15th September 2008.

Some things to note though,

a) Tongkat ali 3 in 1 and Tongkat ali 3 in 1 Kaw has been removed so players cannot use em to pump stats anymore.

b) Stealing panties crime gives you less exp than before.

c) The admins have listened to player's request for better donation packs for those buying through Maybank2u.

d) I am no more FTB leader, but i now am an Assistant in the game so if you guys have any questions, you can always drop me a mail ingame.

e) Your ref needs to be level 8 before you can earn 300 pts. What hasn't changed is, i will still send back 150 pts to you if you register using my ref and you reach level 8.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


LoL .. very late update because game ended 14th September and new round started 15th September but i feel i should honour us FTB members who pwned the game.

Anyway, Rumble Day is basically marks the end of a round. This is the time when the game goes FREE FOR ALL. Last man standing wins REAL $$$. No more hospitals, no more jails for you to hide in, no more same gang protection, and UNLIMITED ATTACKS so if you hate anyone in your gang now is the best time to whack him dead.
The last 118 men standing were all FTB members. Congrats !!

Below you can see the last 6 men standing. We decided the winner should be the most hardworking guy in our gang. Congrats to NoObiePigGy !!!

W00t !! Round ended and now we are in the new round !! Good luck everyone !!!
* Btw in the new round, some of the stuff you read in my blog has been changed or removed. I will update my blog later for the new round.

Friday, September 5, 2008

BOUNTY EVENT 5/9/2008 !! 10pm to 12am

Yea ! Finally .... there you go. Today's targets. As usual the same rules apply.

1) You can only attack 1 target. Attack more than one and i won't give you any prize money :)
2) If by 11:45pm, there are targets still available, then ignore rule #1. Attack away :)
3) No booking targets. You are not allowed to claim a 2nd target and wait for 11:45pm to come before attacking the target. If you do that, i forfeit your prize money.

Good Luck !


Here we go, the winners from last night's FTB Bounty Event !

Congrats to all winners ! Hope you all enjoyed the event and the $$$ :p

Thursday, September 4, 2008

BOUNTY EVENT !! 10pm to 12am 4/9/2008 and 5/9/2008

Alright ! Targets are up ! Everyone get ready :p I will be adding the targets one by one.

Here are some rules to follow :
1) You can only attack 1 target. Attack more than one and i won't give you any prize money :)
2) If by 11:45pm, there are targets still available, then ignore rule #1. Attack away :)
3) No booking targets. You are not allowed to claim a 2nd target and wait for 11:45pm to come before attacking the target. If you do that, i forfeit your prize money.
4) The system's notification in my "happenings" section will decide who killed who. I will refer to
the notification i see over there to send out the cash prizes.

Ok that's it i guess. My first time organising this event so if things aren't so smooth, be patient.

Good luck, and enjoy !



Ho Ho ..we have our first group of winners here. Yea yea .the image sux. Doesn't matter la as long as you guys can see and the winners get their money :p

Alright. Seems that things went smoothly. We will have round 2 tonight, same time 10pm to 12am. Hope to see you all there again.

Friday, August 29, 2008


BOUNTY EVENT WILL BE ON 4/9/2008 and 5/9/2008 10pm to 12am.

Here is how it works. I will post targets here, as well as put them up as bounty targets in-game. It can be any random player in the game. At the same time you will see the same list of players here with a price on their heads. If you kill them, i will get a notification. That is how i will know you killed the player.

There will be oursiders disturbing our event too so be quick to nail the targets. For this reason alone i set all bounty prize in-game at RM 5000(lowest possible bounty). The actual prize amount will be posted here.

Good luck and enjoy !

oh btw, if you guys feel the timing is not good, let me know in-game :). First time i am organising such an event so i want to hear from you all too.








Been very busy lately. Blog also no time to update :(. But don't worry, i might be free this weekend i hope.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Haha ... this surely will cross your mind sooner or later. I might as well write something about it now. Below you can see the benefits of being a Donator. I copied the entire thing from the KuWakChai announcement board.

The Benefits of being a Donator Status Player

-4% Bank Interest instead of 2% each day.
-17% Energy regeneration every 5 minutes instead of 8% for non Donator Status Players.
-Enemies stay in Hospital for 30 minutes (Hospitalize only) when attacked as suppose to 20 minutes.
-If you have a bank account, and a job, your daily pay is direct deposited.
-10 extra attacks per day as compared to Non Donator Status Players.
-Friends list, and Blacklist
-Ability to use Slave/Mahchais to attack your enemies
-Ability to use Slave/Mahchais to help you earn cash
-More steps in Merempit compares to Non Donator Status Players, this means Donator Status Players will be able to gain more in Merempit.

And below you can see the various packages available. While i am not happy they are giving away tons of agility points like that, it is VERY GOOD NEWS to you players who want to even the playing field a little :)

Well, i bet some of you will be saying this. How to buy ? I don't have a valid credit card yet. How am i going to get a paypal account ? Well at the moment, according to the admins, they are looking for other alternative payment methods. For now, anyone who wants to purchase a donator pack without going through paypal, just contact them ingame. They will assist you in every way possible.

ID Name
1146 Chan Ho Nam
1128 Wingz

*take note of the ID so you do not make a mistake contacting the wrong people as there are players in the game with very similar names.

Read the T&C(Terms and Conditions) first though. This is very important whenever you want to purchase anything. I copied their T&C for you to read

By donating you are agreeing to the following terms::

1. No refunds.
2. Just because you have bought a package from us, it doesn't mean you can go around breaking rules. So be warned, you can still get banned for breaking them.
3. If you don't get your package, please contact one of the staff, preferably an admin.
4. If you try refunding your money through paypal, we will ban your account.
5. Donator days will carry over into new rounds - however, items, points, game money, and statistics are only good for the current round.

So what do i think about the donator packages ?

Finally, no need to work(in hospital now), can update my blog again. Ok, about being a donator, it does give players an advantage over non donators which is the whole idea of being a donator in the first place(all the benefits mentioned above). You get to do stuffs non donators cannot do(also mentioned above). Donator packages are reasonably priced too, though not too many variety at the moment but affordable to any age group of players (i hope U-12 aren't playing LoL but hey kids pocket money these days are just too much).

Nevertheless, non donator players do not need to be worried about being at a disadvantage here. You just need to put in more effort to be able to compete with everyone else. It isn't impossible but are you willing to take the challenge ? The satisfaction beating a donator will be pwnage :)


Alright. I decided to write this because there are some part of the game that should never be ventured into. Not because theres a pot of gold waiting for you at the end and i want to keep it for myself, but those stuffs do not work anymore or are not for us non donator players or simply dumb to do.

1) Rewards. You will always see this in RED. Skip this totally. It does not work at all. No idea how they are going to implement it in the future, but stay away at all costs.

2) Fire Bodyguard at the Points Exchange for 50pts. Please do not assume you are getting a super duper pwnage Fire Bodyguard for 50pts. What it really means is pay 50pts to FIRE your bodyguard. So avoid clicking this. One click and there goes 50 pts down the drain.

3) Buy RM 1000 using 1 point at Points Exchange. This is another waste of point usage. You can easily sell points at the Points Market for far more money. If you insist on buying your money here, please send me(sk1l id 1631) a mail i'll buy your points instead.

4) Buy 1 attack for 5 points. Utter waste of points IMO... but hey, if you have loads of points, it is your choice :)

5) Employ Machai(s) at the Navigation panel. If you are not a Donator, please do not employ machais. You won't have any use for it at all. Total waste of money. Machais are ONLY for Donators. I hope i got this clear.

I guess these 5 points should help you save money, points and reduce high blood pressure lol.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yea, we all face money problems. How come ? RL face money problem, online face money problem. How come that knn whom started later than me can earn more than me 1 ?

Actually making money in this game is easy. Infact VERY EASY. The first thing to do is :

Get yourself over lvl 8, come to IRC and i'll teach you a super secret way to get money FAST. Those who got the secret from me are already doing very well.

Other than that, you can also work on JAHAT STUFF. This way of collecting money is slow, but if you are smart to work on the crimes that work for you all the time, the money will pile up immediately. Don't simply try a difficult crime just because you have enough Brave points for it. 99% of the time you will fail. Look for a crime that you can do and success 100%(not lvl 1 crimes la duh!). My gang was fully funded by JAHAT STUFF. All the intial RM came from there especially my first RM 50k to start up the gang and the next 500k for upgrading the gang over the next few days.

Another way is by monitoring the Stock Market. Everyone knows how the stock market work so i won't go into the details. Give you all a tip, Look at the way Dildo King's stock are now. Went as low as RM 1 and went as high as RM 170++. U decide what u want to do la.

Dildo Bankrupt liao ! Sucks ! I guess stock market like that la ...up and down n ...gone forever

Lastly, theres the POINTS MARKET. You can sell points at the points market for any price you want. Don't overprice them though else no one will buy it.

I do not advise playing in the Casino unless you have been told by the fortune teller you are the descendant of God of Fortune. If not, please do not give Uncle KuWakChai more money.

So now you have money, what to do ler ?

First things to do are to learn all the 1 day courses from SKOLAH.
a)Arcade Lesson: Street Fighter (IQ, 1 Day) - gives you 10k IQ
b)Kickboxing Lessons (Guard, 1 Day) - gives you 10k Guard
c)California Fitness Program (Str, 1 Day) - gives you 100k Strength

Next, if you reach lvl 8 and came to IRC to get the secret from me, then you can proceed to purchase your first HOUSE. Make it the medium apartment. I will talk about HOUSE later.

The rest of the money, up to you what you want to do :)

Monday, August 18, 2008


Some of you still sent me ingame msgs on how to get on IRC. I guess putting the info on my game account isn't enough.

Ok firstly you will need an IRC client. The easiest client to use is from

Once you have it downloaded and installed, you need to select a new server. Below are the details:

Description : anything la eg kuwakchai also can
Server name :
port : 6667 or 7000

After that is done, click connect. When the option to pick a channel comes up, just type in #my.

Hope to see you guys there.


By now, you will start feeling that wtf i need POINTS ler, Energy recovery damn slow ler, Will recovery damn slow also(eventhough refresh is every 5 mins), damn this, damn that.

Here are a few ways to get POINTS in this game.

1) If you are new, PLEASE register to someone like myself who will send you back 150 points when you reach lvl 4(I get 300 pts when you reach level 4) . That is the first and fastest way to get points. It takes minutes to get from Level 1 to Level 4.

2) MEREMPIT. You can find this option at your Navigation panel. Only do this when you have 0 points. If you have existing points, please refrain from doing this because the chances of you losing points are greater. - come to IRC if you want to know a little secret on MEREMPIT !

3) Lucky Box. You can find this at the Casino when you click at MUAR. Do not go there with a lot of money though. Lucky Box tends to eat your money up.

4) The latest addition to the game yesterday was VOTING. You can vote for KuwakChai on a few game sites and get around 50+ points a day which is rather handy. This link can be found when you click ANNOUNCEMENT on your Navigation panel or at "Vote for Kuwakchai on game sites and get rewarded !"

5) Points Market. Lol aren't rich enough to buy points yet. The prices here are CRAZY!

6) Use your own ref link to invite more friends to the game. This is the same way as how i am recruiting you all now.

7) If you are able to find sellers ingame, it could work but then again, money is easy to get and POINTS aren't. It could be awhile before you find any of this sort of players.

8) If you want more TIPS, come meet our gang on IRC. We will help you.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Alright, now we look at lvlling up from Level 4 onwards. Assuming you registered under me, i would have sent you 150 points. After you have attacked and got to Level 4, your Energy % should be 0 or close to it and your Will should be anywhere between 30-50%.

So how do you get your Will back to 100% ? Go to your Navigation panel, click MUAR. Head downtown to theChicken Den(18SX) if you are under 18, please get your parents permission pls :p ..... just j/k

LoL! Sorry no pictures here(u want to see go register and see for yourself la Coming back, in the Chicken Den, all you need to do is hire the cheapest girl/guy(lol), "exercise" 2 rounds ...hey! ..yes you .. ffs stop drooling .....!!!!

Anyway after 2 rounds your Will should be back at 100%. Some of you might only need to do 1 round to get the Will back to 100%.

Next, you need to recover your Energy again. Instead of waiting forever for your energy to rise, at your Navigation panel, click POINTS EXCHANGE. You will see the below menu.

Click at Energy Refill. You'll spend 5 of your precious points here, but you'll see your Energy % go back to 100%. Now that both of your Energy and Will is at 100%, it is time to head to the GYM again !

In the GYM, continue to train AGILITY. You will need to repeat the entire routine a few times.

Here a summary for you.
1) Visit Chicken Den, pick cheapest girl, exercise x2 to get Will back to 100%
2) Go to Points Exchange, spend 5 points on Energy Refill to top your Energy to 100%
3) Go to GYM and learn AGILITY.
4) Repeat all of the above.

While doing this, you also need to increase your CRIME EXPERIENCE. The only way to get this up is by doing JAHAT STUFF :) Try to do a few crimes at every level you are at. To be able to do crimes, you need to have Brave points. The harder the crime the more Brave points you need. As you level up, you will gain more Brave points.

Haha .. i only copied the top part of the Crimes you can do in JAHAT STUFF. These are the very basic ones. Anyway even if you are level 4, it doesn't mean you can immediately do the difficult crimes. Every Gangster has to start from somewhere so why don't you try to go rob a small kid and see if you can do it ?LoL!

Repeat this until your Brave points are fully used up. Brave points will recharge every 5 minutes so here you got a choice to wait and do more crimes to get more CRIME EXPERIENCE or continue to lvl up after using up all your Brave points.

Once all of the above is done, it is time to level up again and what better way to level up by whacking some n00b Gangsta :) Go through the steps from the previous post, look for players your level or higher. ATTACK !!!!!! Remember DO NOT MUG. Only send your opponent to HOSPITAL. When you send someone to HOSPITAL, you get from 70-200 Strength and Guard points, depending on how high up you are attacking.

Once you hit the next level, repeat everything from the top to the bottom again.

My suggestion, do this all the way to level 11-13 MAX. Make sure you do A LOT of JAHAT STUFF inbetween to collect MONEY and also to pump your CRIME EXPERIENCE. Experiment on higher crimes with your Brave points to see where is your limit. If you fail a lot or got sent to Jail a lot, then you know you don't have the CRIME EXPERIENCE for the crime yet.

If you haven't notice yet, there is a BANK for you to store money into at the Navigation panel. The cost to open an account is RM 5k. If you are in my gang and you need money to open a bank account, please let me know.

If you play your JAHAT STUFF right, you will make a lot of MONEY. I know i did :) The last thing to tell you in this section is, as soon as you get 100k gold, go to SCHOOL learn the Street Fighter lesson. It will take 1 day and costs 100k but you will instantly get 10,000 IQ points. I will explain the IQ points next time.


He He ....

OK, My gang has grown so much lately it is so hard to teach everyone. Some don't even mail me to ask for assistance. Anyway to make it easy for everyone i am going to post a very fast start strat for you all new gangstas to follow !!! No need pay me fees la .. join my gang make it the biggest in the game ..enough la ..mwahahahhaha

Ok lets start. (don't read the strat if you haven't sign up and login to the game coz you sure won't understand what i am writing here) Sign up here if you haven't registered yet.

As soon as you login, head to the GYM. You will see your Energy at 100% and Will at 100%. These 2 are very important to ensure you are learning at your maximum best. Will plays a big part here. Later on you can buy HOUSE to improve your Will hence doubling, tripling, all the ling ling ling your training ability.

So for now, as a new level 1 Gangsta, just train Agility. Set Train to Agility and Expend to 100% Energy. Click Train.

Right after training you will see your Energy at 0%. Yea my pic shows mine at 41% becoz i attacked and not train but you all are newbies so train first "pek" later. Now is time for you to explore the game further.

At the Navigation panel, click at MUAR. Head to Gang Info. Click Gangs. Look for Fu Tao Bong and click apply. Once you have done that, please send me a mail saying who you are and how you found us. Don't forget to ask me for a starting weapon and some money too. I will give you money to open a bank account and some extras to get you by.

Now that you got your weapon from me, click at STOREROOM and equip your weapon. I bet you are thinking of going to kill someone now right ? LoL .. well we can't yet because you can only attack someone when your Energy is 50% or more. So keep an eye on your Energy %.

So you got a weapon, you are waiting for your energy to reach 50%, what else to do ? Click at JAHAT STUFF now. There are some crimes you can do as a newbie Gangsta. You can either attempt to steal money from a kid or maybe steal the nasi lemak lady's earnings. Careful though, anything can happen :) and Pudu Jail will be there welcoming ya.

To do Crimes you need Brave points. Just like in any Gangsta show, the grassroot ones do the simple crimes while the big players aim for more difficult crimes but the gains are a lot more too. As you level up your Bravery increases and you will dare do bigger crimes. Brave points will refresh every 5 minutes. We will come to this on another session i guess.

*Update *
For now, Click this link -> <-. That's the fastest way to get points early in the game. Vote for the game at all 4 sites and you will get a total of 48 points.

Head to the Points Exchange at your Navigation panel, click at Energy Refill to spend 5 points to get 100% Energy again. Ok, lets go hunt our first victim :) Scroll down to the bottom of your page and you will see

Click at the 773(or any number you see there). It won't be 773 when you click becoz players are signing up for this game like crazy. You will see a list of all the players in the game.

Sort the list first by Level, and then by Ascending. Go to page 3 and look for your first Level 2 target. Yea level 2. Trust me, with the training and weapon you can p0wn any level 2 easily. Look for a level 2 that started a long time ago and hasn't log in for a long time now. These type of players you can call them "inactive" players. After you beat them to pulp, you will get an option to MUG them or send them to HOSPITAL. Send them to the HOSP. By doing this you will get around 70-100 Strength and Guard points and some experience points too.

You will now realise something. You are Level 4 !!!! Congrats !!! Now assuming you put me as your REF(, i will get a notification you reached level 4 and get 300 points. I will send back 150 points to you. The next part of the guide will need you to use the 150 points so do not waste it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fu Tao Bong Gang's BANNER CONTEST !!!

Just like what the title says, i have decided to let my gang members earn some money !!! Small price to pay to find the best banner possible for our pwnage gang.

Rules are simple.

Gang members can send me any picture you find on the internet or you can make your own. No problemo. Just no porn and whatever else which is deemed not suitable by the game rules. If u want to know what are the game rules, go find the Game Rules link ingame.

Prize are as follows :

1) RM 150,000 ingame money
2) RM 100,000 ingame money
3) RM 50,000 ingame money

Closing date : 19th August 2008

Please email me your banner(s). You can find my email address in the gang announcement section. If you haven't registered for the game yet, register at

After the closing date i will post up all the banners and then we can start voting to pick the winner !!!


Thursday, August 14, 2008


So what's this new game on the block ? Apparently some clever guys decided to give Malaysia it's very own Young N Dangerous game !!

Yep! That's the game. KUWAKCHAI ! :p

At first i didn't want to try it out because i've played many of this type of game before. However curiosity got the better of me and i actually went to try this game out.

As you can see, the navigation panel here has some interesting options LoL

Merempit ??!!?

Pudu Jail .......

Muar ? Isn't that in Johor ?

Jahat Stuff .... later i show you some examples :)

they even got Pasar Malam !!!! But this pasar malam ..err ... a little special :p

Wait till you start doing jahat stuff, then the hilarious stuff starts !!!

Like for Eg, i went to Disburb Girls .... hehe ..i'm a guy ma !!!

You are in your favourite hangout spot in the world, Sg Wang. You squat down on the floor and smoke Marlboro. You are wearing all the latest trendy clothing and you just change your hair colour to gold. Even so, you still don't understand why people call you 'Golden Monkey'. You think they got no taste in fashion. You see many hot Ah Lians walking around and since you are so hamsap, you cannot stop looking at them.

You see one Ah Lian crossing the road. You 'marked' her and you PHEWWITT her when she come closer. You call her Ah Moi and this and that. But she no respond. Then you jump in front of her, and saw that she's very muscular... She's actually an Ah Kua! Even worse, he/she just smile back at you. You just disturbed a she-male. You feel like vomiting so you stop your activity and go home.

lol ...damn i failed my mission to disturb girls !! KNN !!!!!!

Or ..another time i was trying to dupe some stupid aunty ....

You walk around a crowded market, look left and right for old aunties to bluff...You see a weak grandma and tell her that her family is going to die, UNLESS she go buy a RM2,200 talisman from you. She believe everything you tell her and go to the bank for the money. You go home feeling very happy!

hahaha ..this 1 succeed :) whee ..RM 2.2k into my pockets !!!

But you see not every time you can escape doing a crime and not pay for it !!
You frend introduce you to a DVDs Boss and the boss asked you to help him distribute his pirated DVDs at the local pasar malam and you agreed.Using your influence in the village, you got yourself a prime slot at the local pasar malam as as business is picking up for you suddenly there is a bunch of copyright enforcement
officers raiding you DVDs stall and bring you back with them for further questioning. Look like you gonna spend some time behind those bars again ...

KNN ! Kena caught !! have to spend time in the famous Pudu Jail !!!

Oh well those are some stuff in the game. There are way more funnier ones than the ones i posted here. You want to find out .. join la ! :p

That's my ref link for you to join. The game is fun trust me. You won't regret it . LoL !

When you get to lvl 4 and assuming you registered using my REF link, i'll get 300 points. Immediately i'll send back 150 points to you. Don't worry about wtf points are now. You'll need em later :)

Furthermore, i have started a Gang (FU TAO BONG) :p hehe .not as good as Chan Ho Nam's gang la ..but small time and doing havoc whenever we can :) Apply to it la ..and i'll send ya some starting money and weapon :)

Ok la ..if you ppl interested just JOIN !!! and we can have fun.

OH .. did i mention it earlier ? You can win REAL MONEY playing this game. I'm only in it for the fun part though becoz it is really funny reading the outcome whenever i attempt to do a crime :)

Hope you all enjoy the game too.

i have nothing to do with the website. I'm no developer, nor family, nor do i have any relation to the creators of this game. I just play it like you all and i enjoy it :)